Open Access BASE2012

BMA and NICE guidance on organ retrieval: neither misguided nor presumptuous


Organ donation from deceased donors should occur whenever appropriate: that is, when there is evidence, belief or understanding that donation was the stated wish of the potential donor or would be in accordance with their wishes, is lawful and in line with current guidelines and will not add further distress to the family. This is the underlying assumption of the British Medical Association (BMA) report, National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) Guideline and Welsh Government Assembly Report. For potential donors after circulatory death, it might be necessary to support the potential donor until the wishes of the person and their family are ascertained. Provided that such interventions are reasonable, explained and do not cause distress to the patient and their family, such measures are surely suitable and will also enable donation to occur when appropriate. Publication and adherence to guidelines that have clinical, legal and ethical validity will reassure the public. Organ donation not only improves the length and quality of life of recipients, but also saves resources for the NHS and provides benefit to the donor family.




Royal College of Physicians



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