Open Access BASE2017

Health care for children in Indian Armed Forces


Children of Armed Forces personnel constitute 33% of the clientele dependant on our healthcare. Various child health indicators and immunization coverage of Indian Armed Forces children is better than the national figures. With improved patient care, it has been observed that the morbidity and mortality pattern of diseases affecting the children of Armed Forces personnel has shown a change from infectious diseases in the past to more of chronic complex disorders at present. Hospital admissions of children in military hospitals due to nutritional and infectious diseases have reduced and constitute only around 21% of all paediatric hospital admissions. Various factors responsible for this shift are preventive health measures (antenatal care, immunization), Active promotion of health (baby friendly hospital concept, Well baby clinic) curative health services (outpatient services, in-patient care, specialty care, supportive Care) and supportive care-reaching beyond like ASHA schools. Presently, we need to handle, life style diseases like obesity, mental stress, teach coping mechanisms for common stressors such as parental separation, family reunification, parental loss, behavioral problems, diseases other than infectious diseases requiring super specialty care. The challenge lies in planning the road ahead for these children and adolescents ensuring a life-course approach.

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