Open Access BASE2015

The double mutation of cytochrome P450's and fatty acid desaturases affect lipid regulation and longevity in C. elegans


An imbalance between energy uptake and energy expenditure can lead to obesity and increase the risk of coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, type II diabetes and some cancers. Given that key elements of the energy pathway are evolutionary conserved, invertebrate research is an attractive alternative that overcomes the many legislative, financial and experimental hurdles typical of research with higher metazoan animals. Recent studies have suggested that some members of the cytochrome P450 superfamily are involved in lipid metabolism in addition to the traditional xenobiotic activity. To investigate this notion in more detail, the present study aimed to pinpoint phenotypic, genetic and genomic-level responses of Caenorhabditis elegans using selected deletion mutants including fat-5 (a member of the Δ9 desaturases) and cyp-35A2 (a member of the cytochrome P450 family). The creation of a fat-5(tm420);cyp-35A2(gk317) mutant uncovered that the deletion of both genes resulted in a strain which is marked by an extended lifespan. Furthermore, it diminished the overall level of Nile Red positive compartments, which is indicative of a change in lipid metabolism. Comprehensive transcriptomics revealed that several genes involved in aging and lipid transport/homeostasis were modulated following the double deletion of fat-5 and cyp-35A2. Taken together, the results suggest the presence of a putative correlation between longevity and lipid regulation and given that both genes have human homologs, this finding may offer a new lead to investigate in higher organisms.

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