Open Access BASE2017

Hepatitis Action Plan and Changing Trend of Liver Disease in Japan: Viral Hepatitis and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease


In Japan, the estimated number of chronic hepatitis B virus infections was 1.1 to 1.4 million, and that of chronic hepatitis C virus was 1.9 to 2.3 million in 2000. The mortality of hepatocellular carcinoma had been increasing and hit the peak at around 2002, which subsequently started to decrease. Japan has a national action plan for addressing viral hepatitis called Basic Act on Hepatitis Measures, established in 2009. In 2011, basic guidelines for promotion of control measures for hepatitis were issued, comprising nine principles in order to promote measures to prevent hepatitis B and C. According to these guidelines, national and local governments share screening costs for testing hepatitis B and C in residents who are over 40 years old. Thus, out-of-pocket expenses from examinees are nil or reduced to the minimum. In addition, for patients with chronic hepatitis B or C and on treatment, drug prices of nucleotide analogs, interferon (IFN) treatment, or IFN-free direct antiviral agents along with examination expenses should be covered by special programs for viral hepatitis. The national and local governments cover the amount in excess of 100 to 200 USD of the cost of treatment. The proportion of liver cancer with nonviral etiology has been increasing in Japan. For the screening and follow-up of patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, we demonstrated that interleukin 34 is a feasible fibrosis marker. Several advantages have prevailed in the Japanese health care systems for patients with viral liver disease compared with those in countries in the Western Pacific region. Therefore, Japan should take a lead in helping the implementation of practical hepatitis action plans in every country when in need.




Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers



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