Open Access BASE2015

Pharmacokinetics and bioequivalence of 2 meloxicam oral dosage formulations in healthy adult horses


Meloxicam, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, is approved for use in horses in several countries, but an equine formulation is not available in North America. However, meloxicam is being used in an extra-label manner in horses in Canada. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to assess the bioequivalence of an approved oral meloxicam suspension (Metacam 15 mg/mL for horses; Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmBH, Ingelheim, Germany) from the European Union with human meloxicam tablets (Meloxicam 15 mg tablets; TEVA Canada, Toronto, Ontario) compounded with molasses to improve palatability and administration. The geometric mean ratios (GMR test/reference) and the 90% confidence intervals of the pivotal pharmacokinetic parameters (area under the curve and maximum concentration) were within the defined limits of 80% to 125% generally accepted for products to be considered bioequivalent. Therefore, use of human meloxicam tablets compounded with molasses would be expected to produce a similar clinical response in horses as the approved oral product from the European Union.




Canadian Veterinary Medical Association

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