Open Access BASE2013

Advantages of collagen based biological dressings in the management of superficial and superficial partial thickness burns in children



Collagen based dressings for acute burn wound management have been extensively used in India, particularly in the city of Chennai. Due to the high levels of humidity in our city, closed dressings become infected and treatment with topical antimicrobials, like Silver Sulfadiazine cream, quickly become desiccated. Collagen membrane dressings were manufactured by the biomaterial laboratory of the Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI), Government of India in Chennai, and then the process was patented. Collagen was extracted from bovine skin and Achilles tendons, and then reconstituted. This was used on burn wounds as dressings after clearance from the Institutional Review Board and Ethics Committees of the Hospital and CLRI. Continued research in this field to enable resulted in the design of silver sulphadiazine loaded alginate microspheres which were embedded in the reconstituted collagen. Controlled delivery of silver sulphadiazine. This collagen membrane was used in chronic infected burns. Low molecular weight heparin was given subcutaneously to improve wound healing in burn injuries and collagen membrane dressings were also applied. After several trials the process technology was patented. The advantages and disadvantages of the collagen membrane cover is elaborated in a group of 487 pediatric burn patients. The trial was conducted at the burn unit of Kanchi Kamakoti Childs Trust Hospital (KKCTH) in Chennai, India.




Euro-Mediterranean Council for Burns and Fire Disasters - MBC

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