Open Access BASE2019

SATIRICAL AND HUMORIST MAGAZINES OF UKRAINIAN SICHOVYX STRILCIV (based on the first issues of the magazine "Chervona kalyna") ; СAТИРИЧНО-ГУМОРИСТИЧНІ ЧАСОПИСИ УКРАЇНСЬКИХ СІЧОВИХ СТРІЛЬЦІВ (на прикладі перших номерів "Червоної калини")


The traditions of samizdat were spread during the dissident era in the ХХ ct. It had a historical background in the Ukrainian sichovyx strilciv press. The publications contain a variety of material, far from being just humorous or satirical. There were songs, articles, poetic pages, and political criticism. The magazine also had graphic works of high quality. The magazine "Chervona kalyna" was the edition of Ukrainian sichovyx strilciv, and first of all it was for Ukrainian sichovyx strilciv. The magazine was a page of the Ukrainian people and they liberation struggles history. In addition, the Ukrainian sichovyx strilciv press was created by famous writers and artists: This magazine was well manifested in the patriotic spirit of the Ukrainian sichovyx strilciv. Romantic and lyrical poetry was devoted to life, and this part of the magazine was contrasted humorous and even satirical descriptions of the tragic pages of history. This was to a certain point, the same way to overcome, a traumatic past moments experienced by these warriors. The main thesis of the article are the Ukrainian sichovy strilci were continued this historic process, and secured the old folk, cultural, artistic and national values and created new spiritual and patriotic foundations of Ukrainianity, took the proper place in the history of Ukraine. The Ukrainian sichovy strilci were the creators of new forms of spiritual, national-state, cultural and artistic creativity, as well as carriers of new ideas and political preferences. At the end of the twentieth century after the proclamation of Ukraine's independence, many authors are exploring this issue: S. Нorіvalov, K. Naumenko, M. Lazarovуch, T. Kuzmenko and many others wrote dissertation researches. Along with the history of the sich movement, to a certain extent, they reveal the processes of development of education, the concert activity of musical groups of the rifle, their educational work. In addition to the glorious military history, Ukrainian sichovy strilci have done a lot for the culture and education of Ukraine. Moreover, this influence was both direct and indirect. And the USC periodicals were not given due attention at this time. So, even in the textbook on the history of Ukrainian journalism, not all that periodicals were mentioned, therefore the author focuses on one of the magazines. "Сhervona kalyna" was published in Kosh U.S.S. The publications contain diverse material not only humorous or satirical. There are literary intelligence, poetic pages and political criticism. Thus, in the May magazine there is enough critique of the idea of Dmуtrо Dontsov, the author of the criticism was primarily concerned with the statements of D. Dontsov, which politicians called the Ukrainians figuratively. Therefore, the critical article was called "Narid Bastard". It is in this environment that emerges and develops new trends in literary-journalistic activity, arts and crafts, music and poetry. This is especially true in the development and popularization of the small-scale shoot "Oh, in the meadow of a red curvaceous lean", which turned into a peculiar folk anthem. It was and remains not only the slogan of the Ukrainian sich strilci, but also the national symbol of the entire Ukraine. Deserves special attention "A respectable humorously-satirical illustrated Sich month" – "Chervona kalуna". Issued monthly representatives of the Artistic Handful of the USS. Mykola Uhryn-Bezgrishnyi was an editor. The first issue was came up in May 1917. We find samples of high-quality journalism, wonderful poetry lines on the pages. The magazine actively supported the purity of the Ukrainian language. The basis for this and many other publications was the sieve and layer printing organs that appeared during 1912–1914. The organs of the sich strilci 1917–1918 were usually handwritten and reflected on a hectograph. The maximum amount reached 100 copies. The State Archives of Ivano-Frankivsk oblast maintains a collection of local newspapers and magazines, especially valuable ones of which are religious editions, the press of the ZUNR periods. In particular, one of the copies of "Chervona kalуna" is stored among them in July 1917. An instance of a humorous satirical moon begins with no humbling, but from serious poetic reflections, the authorship of which belongs to Antіn Lototsky, a poet and a teacher. Poetry "The Dream" about the "goal of the cherished" "Freedom" and the reflections on "when it is already a dream that this beautiful will be fulfilled". The verse dates back to June 6, 1917. In general, almost all of the works are signed, at least abbreviations, and dated. The next verse belongs to the pen of Mykola Uhryn-Bezgryshnyi. He was a well-known Ukrainian prose writer, poet, playwright, publisher, photographer, teacher, active participant in national liberation competitions and public figure, participant of Prosvita. With the advent of the Legion of the Ukrainian sich strilci, a Press-room was created (the body of the dissemination and preservation of information about the USS), in which they operated: a stage gymnasium, courses for illiterate shooters, a reading room with a library. Mykola Uhryn-Bezgryshnyi was one of the organizers of the Press-room. There were galaxy of talented writers, journalists, artists, and musicians including Osуp Nazaruk, Levko Lepkyі, Roman Kupchуnskyі, Osуp Kurуlas, Lev Hets, Mykhail Haivoronskyi, Dmetro Vitovskyi, Antin Lototskyi and others. The magazines were decorated with graphics and portraits by O. Kurilos. In addition, of USC figures are presented. This magazine also reveals the patriotic spirit of the sichivyx strilsiv, and the romantic and lyric poetry devoted to life, in particular the latter contrasts with the humorous, and even satirical descriptions of the tragic pages of history, which also somehow helped to overcome the tragic experience experienced by these soldiers. ; У статті на основі оприлюднених матеріалів робиться спроба розглянути один з багатьох аспектів діяльності Українських січових стрільців. А саме видання гумористичного часопису "Червоної калини" у 1917 р. Традиції самвидаву, поширені за часів дисиденства в ХХ ст., мали історичне підґрунтя саме в пресі українських січових стрільців. Видання містять різноманітний матеріал не тільки гуморис- тичного чи сатиричного характеру. Є літературні розвідки, поетичні сторінки та політична критика. Часопис "Червона калина" був виданням стрілецтва, і в першу чергу саме для стрілецтва. Мі- сячник є сторінкою з історії українського народу та його визвольних змагань. До того ж пресу УСС різ- ного часу творили відомі літератори й художники. У цьому часописі добре можна виявити і патріо- тичний дух січових стрільців, і романтичність та ліричність поезії, присвяченої життю. Поезія проти- ставляється гумористичним, а то й сатиричним описам трагічних сторінок історії, що теж є одним із засобів долання перешкод і трагічного досвіду, який пережили вояки.

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