Open Access BASE1970

The Image Of The Negro In Louisiana History: The Period Of Slavery 1803-1860


PURPOSE The writer has endeavored to produce that image of the Negro in Louisiana history written by Louisiana writers. The value of this study may be reflected in the production of a more authentic image of the Negro in Louisiana. It might point up the need for similar studies as well as better utilization and preservation of sources. It is further hoped that a new awareness will develop among Negroes as to the possible good or harm that might develop to the race itself and its image in society generally if it is not careful of the source of its image. STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Some historians' justifications for their concentration in Afro-American history point up the premise of this study. George Washington Williams is generally regarded as the first serious student of Negro history. Williams states his reason for studying and writing his celebrated work in this area thus: Because Negroes had been the most vexation problems in North America from the time of its discovery down to the present day; because in every attempt upon the life of the nation--the colored people had always displayed a matchless patriotism and an incomparable heroism in the cause of Americans; because such history would give the world more correct ideas of the colored people and incite the latter to greater efforts in the struggle of citizenship and manhood. The single reason that there was no history of the Nepro race would have been a sufficient reason for writing one. Other writers have expressed themselves on the problem of the falsified presentation of the Negro in American histories. Some of these expressions are as follows: "Byard Rustin warns that others want to totally rewrite black history substituting new myths and distortions for the old, eliminating those aspects of black history that are uncomplimentary, exalting those that support their political persuasion and, if necessary, creating events of their own myth-engendering imaginations." "Martin Kilson's defense of scholarly self detachment, however, is a forceful repudiation of such distortions of history and perversions of the intellectual process.


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