Open Access BASE1959

Report of trip to Chicago, Illinois, June 2-4 1959 to Confer with Honey Industry Representatives on Standards for Beewax

In: Research Reports 5


The beeswax processing industry of the United States is gravely concerned with increasing admixture of other waxes in the incoming beeswax they process. The source is largely other waxes added to beeswax by manufacturers of honey-comb foundation. They have requested our help in devising suitable tests for such mixtures and devising quantitative methods for their analysis. They also are requesting better Government standards for beeswax and asked us to provide a base of information about United States beeswax to be used both in writing standards and in the detection of admixture of other waxes. In an interview with the research director of the National Confectioner's Association, possible fields of use of dried honey were discussed. E-59-71

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