Open Access BASE2014

Which educational policies will determine a democratic future? ; Politiche educative per plasmare un futuro democratico


In a time of crisis, educational-formative systems face a double-edged risk: onthe one side, that of being subjugated by the rule of the market; on the opposite side, that of becoming the annex of a nanny-State. How is it possible to find solutions with alternative outcomes? The plural control of school is the resultof the so-called third way: that is, a changing force that works towards the realization of a different meta-governance. Nowadays, it is possible to identify a fourth way. Accordingly, educational-formative systems are driven towards an organic meta-governance, which is meant to redraw educational-formative policies whose focus is not any more that of sheer governance but rather thatof differentiation. Thus, with respect to the organization of scholastic institutions, two ideal types are compared. Such comparison results in a change of paradigm, whose transition goes through an approach oriented towards the achievement of actual freedom. The aim of this kind of freedom-enhancing institutionis that of putting capabilities into practice and mobilize resourcesthrough new cooperative forms of organization, which foster the sense of responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity ; In tempi di crisi, quali soluzioni alternative consentono ai sistemi educativoformativi di evitare la sottomissione alle leggi dei mercati, da un lato, e il passaggio a forme di assistenzialismo, dall'altro? Il controllo plurale della scuola è un prodotto della terza via: una forza di cambiamento che preme verso una diversa meta-governance. Oggi, una quarta via si propone come cambiamento di rotta dei sistemi educativo-formativi verso una meta-governance organica, intesa come riformulazione delle policies educativo-formative tesa a plasmare un futuro democratico attraverso obiettivi complessi e strategie di adattamentoche spostano il focus della governance dalla convergenza alla diversificazione.Si pongono a confronto due idealtipi organizzativi di istituti scolastici, per concluderne che un cambiamento paradigmatico ...




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