Open Access BASE1857

"A personal narrative written for my family," 1857-1861 (transcription)


Typed transcription of a manuscript memoir, "A personal narrative written for my family," prepared by George Musalas Colvocoresses in 1857-1861, while aboard the USS Levant, with a postscript written by Ellena Seaman Colvocoresses in 1897; includes accounts of: the Colvocoresses family's experience during the Greek War of Independence; George Musalas Colvocoresses' journey to the United States as a child and the circumstances surrounding his initial meeting with Alden Partridge; military service during the Battle of the Barrier Forts in the Second Opium War; and other highlights of George Musalas Colvocoresses' naval career. This typed transcription of the original manuscript was created in 2022 by Joseph Byrne. ; Transcribed by Joseph Byrne. Transcriptions may be subject to error.

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