Open Access BASE2021

Public Procurement Proximity Network: An Economic Complexity Application


Project Work presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies Management ; One fundamental question in one's economy development, is why some areas perform better than others? This document aims to map the Portuguese service proximity and relatedness from the private sector perspective. We analyze services offered by private entities contracted by the Portuguese government and describe their patterns to better understand how this space is structured. This thesis explores how services interact inside the Portuguese procurement space and lastly, if their closeness benefits their market share. It integrates evolutionary economic foundations with Portuguese data to create a unique model that can then be further scrutinized. It contains a holistic approach to further understand Portugal's reality and helps sharpen what is yet undiscovered. It propositions over an optimal data resolution selection and sheds some light on future strategies to policy makers on the usage of vocabulary codes.

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