Open Access BASE2016

U.S.-India Strategic Dialogue 2016



Performer: Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) Project Lead: Paul S. Kapur Project Cost: $204,608 FY16–17 ; This dialogue seeks to improve mutual understanding between the United States and India on a range of strategic and security-related issues. Although the U.S. and India have declared themselves strategic partners, there is considerable uncertainty in both countries as to what the partnership actually entails and how it can be operationalized. While vast improvements have been made in the U.S.-Indian relationship since the Cold War, the areas of shared interests and values are not enough to minimize the nuclear and conventional dangers in the new environment. This project will address issues central to the U.S.-Indian partnership, thereby helping to inform each side of the others' views, identifying potential means of pursuing joint strategic interests and managing disagreements and enabling the participants to serve as resources for their respective security communities. ; PASCC




Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School

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