Open Access BASE1970

Application of differential games to problems of military conflict: Tactical allocation problems, Part I


The mathematical theory of deterministic optimal control/differential games is applied to the study of some tactical allocation problems for combat described by Lanchester-type equations of warfare. A solution procedure is devised for terminal control attrition games. H. K. Weiss' supporting weapon system game is solved and several extensions considered. A sequence of one-sided dynamic allocation problems is considered to study the dependence of optimal allocation policies upon model form. The solution is developed for variable coefficient Lanchester-type equations when the ratio of attrition rates is constant. Several versions of Bellman's continuous stochastic gold-mining problem are solved by the Pontryagin maximum principle, and their relationship to the attrition problems is discussed. A new dynamic kill potential is developed. Several problems from continuous review deterministic inventory theory are solved by the maximum principle. ; The Office of Naval Research ; ; NA




Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School

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