Open Access BASE2019

A Conceptual Proposal on Blockchain: Distributed Ledger of Corporate Liquidity ; Blokzincir Üzerine Kavramsal Bir Öneri: İşletme Likiditesi Dağıtık Kayıt Defteri


Referring to the famous analogy which explains blockchain concept as "A wants to transfer money to B", the study reverses it as "B wants to have trade credit from A" then the paradigm will rather be crediting instead of debiting. To what extent will a supplier allow trade credit upon request is a decision of accounts payable, but the extent to which a third party will offer more trade credit for the first borrower will require a reconsideration of that customer's liquidity which is restricted by the accumulation of trade credit along with bank credit already held. The usage of trade credit and the level of bank credit are the main liquidity generators in a supply chain. The study reveals the need for a distributed ledger of liquidity based on trade credit by proposing the use blockchain technology to create zones of private distributed ledgers on liquidity. In the future, the suggested zones are expected to cooperate with government agencies and central bank in the challenge for eliminating informal transactions within the economy. Hence, trade credit in the short-term and relative liquidity indicators are presented in order to reveal the potential for an economy by giving evidence with the long-term data available in Turkey. The study depicts a conceptual proposal with the potential implications therein. Along with their blockchain challenge, the proposal in this study will strategically help the commercial banks which could consider investing on such a shared ledger of liquidity in terms of trade credits on firm-level. ; Çalışma, blokzincir kavramını "A, B'ye para transferi yapmak istiyor" şeklinde açıklayan meşhur analojiyi "B, A'dan ticari borç edinmek istiyor" şeklinde tersine çevirmekte ve böylece paradigmayı değiştirerek borçlanmaya yönlendirmektedir. Bir tedarikçinin; bir müşterisinden gelen talep üzerine hangi düzeye kadar ticari borç kullandırabileceği, bir ticari alacak edinme kararıdır. Ancak, üçüncü bir tarafın ilk borç alana açacağı ilave ticari borç veya kredi ise o müşterinin potansiyel olarak ...

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