Open Access BASE2015

A profession-wide collaboration to embed role-play simulation into Australian entry-level physiotherapy clinical training

In: Wright , A , Moss , P , Watson , K , Rue , S , Mandrusiak , A , Reubenson , A , Connaughton , J , Redmond , C , MacIntosh , S , Alison , J , Chipchase , L S , Clements , T , Blackstock , F , Morgan , P , Laakso , L , van der Zwan , K , Corrigan , R , Jones , A , Teys , P & Palmer , T 2015 , ' A profession-wide collaboration to embed role-play simulation into Australian entry-level physiotherapy clinical training ' , Physiotherapy , vol. 101 , no. Suppl. 1 , pp. e1047 .


Background: Simulated learning environments may offer particular educational advantages over a traditional 'real' clinical setting. Simulation training maximizes learning by guaranteeing provision of learning experiences that can be written to suit specific educational needs. For example, scenarios can be scripted to focus on specific conditions using pre-planned learning strategies or can be extended to include specific safety or emergency issues that may only occur infrequently in the traditional clinical setting. Carefully planned simulation environments can also provide structure and a guarantee of equity of experience for all students. Health Workforce Australia (HWA) (an Australian Government organisation) has funded a consortium of 16 Australian physiotherapy programs to undertake a project to embed simulation into physiotherapy clinical training across Australia in 2014 and 2015. Purpose: This project aimed to embed a sustainable 5-day model of role-play simulation into 16 Australian entry-level physiotherapy clinical programmes as a substitute for a proportion of traditional clinical placement time. A coordinated collaborative approach was taken, with the aim of encouraging profession-wide support. The project provided each physiotherapy program with the physical resources, simulation scenarios, staffing experience, expertise and enthusiasm to enable simulation training to be a sustainable clinical teaching approach into the future. Methods: The project has been coordinated and managed by staff from Curtin University (Perth, WA) with oversight from HWA, the Council of Physiotherapy Deans (CPDANZ) and the Australian Physiotherapy Council. Throughout the project, senior academic staff from each of the 16 Physiotherapy Schools have participated in monthly teleconference meetings to discuss all aspects of planning and implementation, with all decisions made collaboratively. In the planning phase, smaller Working Parties also met to plan key aspects such as scenario development and evaluation methodology. ...

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