Open Access BASE2014

Assessment of Concrete Bridges : Models and Tests for Refined Capacity Estimates


Optimising the strategy for repairing, upgrading and replacing bridges in the European Union, and elsewhere, is becoming increasingly important due to ageing of the bridge stock, continuously increasing load requirements and budgetary limitations. Thus, there is a clear need to identify or develop, and implement, refined methods for assessing existing bridges in order to determine the most cost-effective options and actions to extend their lives, increase their capacities or replace them.Thus, the objective of the research project partly reported in this licentiate thesis is to verify and calibrate methods for refined assessment of existing bridges, using information acquired in an extensive program of experimental studies. In addition to describing parts of the project, the thesis is intended to provide a basis for suggestions and a discussion of the author's future research in the area. It includes presentations of two experimental studies designed to evaluate, and calibrate, assessment methods:1. A laboratory-based experimental study of 12 two-span continuous reinforced concrete beams conducted in Dublin, Ireland, in 2012. The tests particularly focused on the beams' nonlinear overall behaviour and related redistribution of internal forces.2. A full-scale test of a 55 year-old post-tensioned girder bridge in Kiruna, Sweden, in 2014, focusing on: (a) failure loading of the main girders, (b) failure loading of the slab, (c) the condition of post-tension cables, and (d) two strengthening systems using carbon fibre reinforced polymers (CFRP).The continuous reinforced concrete beams behaved in a nonlinear manner from an early stage in the loading. This is not usually considered in either the design or assessment of existing bridges, but should be for the verification to be accurate at the serviceability and ultimate limit states (SLS and ULS, respectively). The results also indicated that there was more redistribution of internal forces at the ULS than stated in standards. Thus, use of refined methods to assess bridges or other reinforced concrete structures can be beneficial for avoiding unnecessary repairs, strengthening or replacement measures. In addition, the tests demonstrated the importance of taking into account the interaction between flexural moments and shear forces. This is not considered in shear force resistance models included in, for example, the European standard.To date, too few reinforced concrete bridges have been tested to failure to parameterise assessment models robustly with low uncertainty levels. Thus, a programme aimed for verification and calibration of models for assessing existing bridges was designed. The comprehensive programme is described in the thesis, which also provides suggestions and a discussion for future research based on the tests and associated monitoring.During the full-scale tests of the Kiruna Bridge, data were acquired that are relevant to investigations in several fields related to bridge assessment. For instance the obtained data provide foundations for future research concerning: (a) the robustness, ductility and bridge behaviour, (b) the shear force and punching resistance of bridge girders and slabs, (c) assessment of post-tensioned steel cables' condition, (d) strengthening methods using CFRP, (e) updating finite element models, and (f) reliability-based analysis. ; Godkänd; 2014; 20141031 (nikbag); Nedanstående person kommer att hålla licentiatseminarium för avläggande av teknologie licentiatexamen. Namn: Niklas Bagge Ämne: Konstruktionsteknik/Structural Engineering Uppsats: Assessment of Concrete Bridges Models and Tests for Refined Capacity Estimates Examinator: Professor Björn Täljsten, Institutionen för samhällsbyggnad och naturresurser, Luleå tekniska universitet Diskutant: Tekn Dr Anders Carolin, Trafikverket, Luleå Tid: Torsdag den 18 december 2014 kl 10:00 Plats: D770, Luleå tekniska universitet




Luleå tekniska universitet, Byggkonstruktion och -produktion; Luleå

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