Open Access BASE2020

Health system reforms in China a half century apart: Continuity but adaptation


Well-functioning governance arrangements are an essential, but often overlooked or poorly understood contributor to high quality health systems. Yet governance systems are embedded in institutional structures and shaped by cultural norms that can be difficult to change. We look at a country that has implemented two major health system reforms separated by half a century during which it has undergone remarkable political, economic, and social change. These are the Chinese Patriotic Health Campaign (PHC), beginning in the 1950s, and the New Cooperative Medical Scheme (NCMS), in the 2000s. We use these as case studies to explore how governance arrangements supported the design and implementation of policies implemented on a large scale in these quite different contexts. Drawing on review of archival documents, published literature, and semi-structured interviews with key policy makers, we conclude that few aspects of governance underwent fundamental changes. In both periods, the policy design stage included encouragement of sub-national tiers of government to pilot policy options, accumulate evidence, and disseminate it to others facing similar challenges, all facilitated by clear lines of accountability and a willingness by those at the top of the hierarchy to learn lessons from lower levels. At the implementation stage, rapid scaling up benefitted from leadership by national institutions that could enact regulations and set policy goals and targets for lower tiers of government, evaluating the performance of local government officers in terms of their ability to implement policy, while encouraging local government to pilot innovative measures. These findings highlight the importance of a detailed understanding of governance and how it is shaped by context, demonstrating continuity over long periods even at times of major social, political, and economic change. This understanding can inform future policy development in China and measures to strengthen governance aspects of reforms elsewhere.




Elsevier BV

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