Open Access BASE2013

Promoting low-carbon home adaptations and behavioural change in the older community


The Government has set an ambitious target to cut the UK's carbon emissions by 80% by year 2050. To meet these targets, action is needed in the residential sector with 27% of the UK's CO2 emissions coming from energy use in homes. While working towards zero-carbon new homes, refurbishment of the existing housing stock to advanced, low-carbon standards is essential. In this process the involvement of all stakeholders and behavioural change of occupants to lowcarbon life styles are primary factors. This paper presents the findings of an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Public Engagement project (2009–2010) carried out to promote low-carbon home adaptations and behaviour change among the elderly. A number of engagement events were held to increase the awareness of environmental upgrading of homes, energy-efficiency measures, financial support available and low-carbon life styles. A feedback process collected information on sustainable actions taken by the attendees 3–6 months after the initial events. A coding method was designed to analyse the questionnaire responses. The results illustrated that many had made changes in their lives since attending the events, are planning to change or have encouraged someone else they know to make a change in their lives to be more sustainable.

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