Improving the Resilience of Infrastructure to Create Sustainable Futures
Climate change cause extreme weather patterns that have adverse effects on the infrastructure in UK, resulting in disruption to all stakeholders. These include extreme temperature highs; storms, windstorms, hurricanes; high levels of precipitation and associated flooding and lack of precipitation and associated drought. In recent years flooding has had severe impact on infrastructure and related physical assets in UK. The transport systems struggle to cope even though advancements are made in research and mitigation strategies. This paper examined areas of infrastructure related to land transport that fail or seem to fail and cause extreme disturbance to its users. It sought to identify the elements that are more vulnerable and need reinforcing in order to strengthen the resilience and the capability to cope in extreme weather. A broad-ranging literature review including government and stakeholder reports, case studies and action plans provided the foundation for the study. The paper attempted to capture the key lessons that can inform future adaptation and mitigating strategies and identifies areas that need further improvements in strengthening the resilience of the key infrastructure facilities. The information illustrated that it is not only the responsibility of one organisation but also a collective effort from government, local authorities, health, police and other infrastructure providers. Roads, railways, ports and other infrastructure assets must be constructed, refurbished or retrofitted to withstand extreme weather conditions. The design standards and thresholds must be re-visited and reviewed to encompass new weather scenarios and effects.
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