Open Access BASE2010

Assessing European Union innovation policy: case study of Lithuania and Romania ; Europos Sąjungos inovacijų politikos vertinimas: Lietuvos ir Rumunijos atvejų studija


This study represents few issues related with innovations in European Union. At first the European Union documents and European scoreboard are analyzed. According to analysis, a huge innovational gap between European Union member-states is identified and EU authorities consider that innovation-friendly society is crucial element for its innovation policy. Second part of the article copes with methodological issues that arose around the research of innovations. The methods of the 4th generation of measuring innovation are implemented in the research, which aims to evaluate European Union policy according to population's perception of innovations in Lithuania and Romania. Comparative study between Lithuania and Romania is done. The research shows social attitudes towards innovations and its relation with life quality and financial situation. The study shows, that local consumption of innovative products and services not necessary leads to better innovativeness of country.

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