Open Access BASE2014

Partinė tapatybė Lietuvoje - šeimos socializacijos, politinių skirčių ar įpročio padarinys? ; Party identification in Lithuania: the outcome of family socialisation, political cleavages, or habit?


The theory presumes that the probability to have a party identification should consistently grow until the age of 40 and afterwards it should remain constant. The results of the logistic regression, however, reveal that the highest probability to have a party identification is in the 50–59 age group rather than 30–39, even after controlling other variables such as interest in politics, political sophistication and salience of political cleavages. One possible explanation of this finding suggests that party identification is strongest for the generation that was most active in the formation of democratic political system in Lithuania in 1988–1991.


Litauisch, Englisch

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