Open Access BASE2008

Neplyni kirtimai ir jų vertinimas Šiaulių ir Kuršėnų miškų urėdijose ; Evaluation of non- clear cuttings in Šiauliai and Kuršėnai State forest enterprises


This study contains non-clear cuttings analysis, evaluation of their quality and made mistakes. Object of the study – State forest enterprises of Šiauliai and Kuršėnai. The aim of the study – Estimate how do the main cuttings, made by the organization of forest exploration match their theoretical specifications (clear and non-clear cuttings proportion) and evaluate the quality of non-clear cuttings made. Methods of the study – document analysis, research data analysis Results of the study. During the past three years non-clear cuttings in the state forest enterprise of Šiauliai took from 9 to 19% of main cuttings made and this rate is less then it should be. During the period of 2003-2007 forestry of Šiauliai theoretically should have cut from 91 to 98% clearly and from 2 to 9 % non-clearly of main cuttings planned. During the past five years in the organization of forest exploitation plans for clear cutting were 2-7% larger than it should theoretically be and plans for non-clear cuttings were only 13-30% of the theoretical value. Whereas actual clear cuttings in the forestries were 1-6% higher and non-clear cutting took from 32 to 97% of their theoretical value. During the period of year 2008-2009 organization of forest exploitation made plans for forestry of Šiauliai, that where 2-6% higher for clear-cuttings and were form 29 to 72% from theoretical value for non-clear cuttings. In the state forest enterprise of Šiauliai the shelter wood cuttings in the stands with desirable tree species undergrowth took 66% of main non-clear cuttings. In the state forest enterprise of Kuršėnai two-cycle wood cuttings also took even 66% of main non-clear cuttings. The main mistake made during planning non-clear cuttings is too low value of desirable tree species undergrowth.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Aleksandras Stulginskis University

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