Open Access BASE2011

Valstybės sienos apsaugos tarnybos veikla, įgyvendinant nelegalios migracijos kontrolę ; Activity of State Border Guard service implementing the control of illegal migration


In modern society illegal migration is a very serious problem not only in Lithuania but for all European Union. Since Lithuania restored it's independence, emigration amount started to increase very rapidly. Lithuania became the way to illegal migrants to the desirable Western and northern European countries. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze State Border Guards service officers activity in the illegal migration control department, to analyze all the law acts and ways of implementation. The study of international law, administrative law and national legislation, the analysis of court decisions, scholarly articles, dissertations and publications of the press, law enforcement reports and statistics, supplemented with other information at the subject, as well as comparison of theoretical and practical information received in interviews, the State Border Guard officers implementation of the control of illegal migration, the formulation of problems and proposition of possible solutions is made. The test results lead to the conclusion that the State Border Guard Service and competences of illegal migration prevention and control are indefinite, there is no clear migration processes of the institutions implementing the distribution of functions, but under the current regulations of the State Border Guard officers, illegal immigration controlled efficiently.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Mykolas Romeris University

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