Open Access BASE2010

Tarptautinio Kauno oro uosto sanitarinės apsaugos zonos ribų tikslinimas pagal perspektyvinius triukšmo žemėlapius ir žemės sklypų naudojimo apribojimų kitimas ; The specific potencials of Kaunas International Airport sanitary protection zone by perspective maps of noise and use of land limitatition change


The sanitary protection zones (SPZ) are established according to potencial pollutions sources to protect the environment and people's health from possible influence. SPZ are set with detail projects, mostly during the projecting of potencial pollution source construction and remains valid till the SPZ specification. And to specify the SPZ is possible by doing measurement of pollution scatter or in other lawful cases. According to reasoned requests of residents, the SPZ are being enlarged because of people's complaints and tangible appropriate effect of pollution. Similarly, after the measurement of pollution's scatter by requests of SPZ user, introducing modern pollution scatter decrease ways or processes. Also, the SPZ, which were established long-ago, nowadays may be motiveless too large or too small; because introducing of new modern technologies or forbidding long-time and larger pollution emitted sources exploitation, herewith comes possibility to reduce SPZ. The aim of this study is to project and specify the SPZ borders of Kaunas International Airport. The study analyses Kaunas International Airport's SPZ, which is set according to detail project and is valid since July 7, 1998, under the special terms of handling land and forests. However, the calculated and established SPZ borders were not equalized with the noise made by planes and other aircrafts , because then hygiene standards did not introduce methods of measurements of aerial noise. When Lithuania entered the European Union, plenty of normative acts were transfered to the law base of Lithuania and due to that the noise and its influence to environment have started to be regulated more strictly. Moreover, foreign investors have got safer and more desirable conditions in Lithuanian air traffic range. And that determined to exploit modern and more quiet airplanes in Lithuanian aircraft as well as to limit exploitation of loud airplanes according to various legal bounds. But then increased the flights of passengers and cargo transit as well as fligt's noise became steadier. Therefore came the necessity to specify SPZ of Lithuanian airports according to particular noise levels induced by airplanes flights. Sustaining the nonfiction the necessity to specify Kaunas International Airport SPZ borders was established according to airplanes noise levels. The newly projected SPZ after the perspective maps of noise does not show remarkable changes – 21 ha; however, the SPZ's shape has changed and more than 50 premise were involved to the noise zone C. Also a major part of this zone has changed its location from the west side (a settled one) to the east side where agriculture sites stretch in Jonava district.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Aleksandras Stulginskis University

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