Open Access BASE2021

Fostering political participation through the organisation of party education in Sweden


Political parties are often construed as playing an imperative role in democratic systems. However, what happens inside a party once people have joined as members and during their continued engagement is underexplored in research. This paper investigates the organisation of party education within political parties in Sweden and how political participation may be fostered. The vantage point is the institutional level in the party organisation when designing education and providing learning opportunities for party members. The empirical material consists of interviews with central representatives from all eight parties represented in the national parliament following the elections in 2018. This collected material has been analysed using concepts from the community of practice framework. The results indicate attempts by the parties to affect both individual members and local party branches through the organisation of party education.




Linköpings universitet, Pedagogik och vuxnas lärande; Linköpings universitet, Utbildningsvetenskap; Routledge; Taylor & Francis



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