Open Access BASE2019

Synthesis and characterization of (Ti1-xAlx)B2+Delta thin films from combinatorial magnetron sputtering


(Ti1-xAlx)B2+Delta films with a lateral composition gradient of x = [0.30-0.66] and Delta = [0.07-1.22] were deposited on an Al2O3 wafer by dual magnetron sputtering at 400 degrees C from sintered TiB2 and AlB2 targets. Composition analysis indicates that higher Ti:Al ratios favor overstoichiometry in B and a reduced incorporation of O. Transmission electron microscopy reveals distinctly different microstructures of Ti- and Al-rich compositions, with formation of characteristic conical growth features for the latter along with a lower degree of crystallinity and significantly less tissue phase from B segregation at the grain boundaries. For Al-rich films, phase separation into Ti- and Al-rich diboride nanometer-size domains is observed and interpreted as surface-initiated spinodal decomposition. The hardness of the films ranges from 14 to 28 GPa, where the higher values were obtained for the Ti-rich regions of the metal boride. ; Funding Agencies|Knut and Alice Wallenbergs (KAW) Foundation [KAW 2015.0043]; Swedish Research Council [330-2014-6336, 2016-04412, 642-2013-8020]; Swedish Government Strategic Research Area in Materials Science on Functional Materials at Linkoping University [2009 00971]; Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions COFUND [INCA 600398]; Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research; Research Infrastructure Fellow Program [RIF 14-0074]; KAW Foundation




Linköpings universitet, Tunnfilmsfysik; Linköpings universitet, Tekniska fakulteten; Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för fysik, kemi och biologi; Linköpings universitet, Teoretisk Fysik; Uppsala Univ, Sweden; SKF Res and Technol Dev Ctr, Netherlands; Evatec AG, Switzerland; ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA



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