Open Access BASE2015

Correlation between switching to n-type conductivity and structural defects in highly Mg-doped InN


The effect of Mg doping on the microstructure of InN epitaxial films in relation to their free-charge carrier properties has been investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and aberration corrected scanning TEM. We observe a direct correlation between Mg concentration and the formation of stacking faults. The threading dislocation density is found to be independent of Mg concentration. The critical Mg concentration for the on-set of stacking faults formation is determined and found to correlate with the switch from p- to n-type conductivity in InN. Potential mechanisms involving stacking faults and point defect complexes are invoked in order to explain the observed conductivity reversal. Finally, the stacking faults are structurally determined and their role in the reduction of the free electron mobility in highly doped InN: Mg is discussed. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC. ; Funding Agencies|Swedish Research Council (VR) [2008-405, 2012-4359, 2013-5580, 642-2013-8020]; ERC [258509]; Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA) under the VINNMER international qualification program [2011-03486]; Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) [FFL12-0181]; National Basic Research Program of China [2012CB619300]; National Natural Science Foundation of China [61225019, 61376060]




Linköpings universitet, Halvledarmaterial; Linköpings universitet, Tekniska högskolan; Linköpings universitet, Tunnfilmsfysik; Linköpings universitet, Tekniska fakulteten; Peking University, Peoples R China; Chiba University, Japan; American Institute of Physics (AIP)



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