Open Access BASE2015

Political Cinema in the 21st Century: The Radical Film Network Inaugural Conference Birmingham City University, 7–8 February 2015

In: Zarins , K 2015 , ' Political Cinema in the 21st Century: The Radical Film Network Inaugural Conference Birmingham City University, 7–8 February 2015 ' , Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media , no. 9 .


Political Cinema in the 21st Century: The Radical Film Network Inaugural Conference began with a very clear agenda: to consider the future of the network's activities, structure, stances, and, hopefully, growth. Steve Presence established through his introduction that the network expanded significantly during its first few years, now encompassing members and organisations from eighteen countries; however, with most activity centred in the UK, he remarked that the network should strive towards the equal inclusion of all its members via the support of activities in all countries, as well as those which are already taking place in the UK and Canada. Presence ended his introduction by noting that the network does not currently have any connections with political organisations, trade unions or radical filmmakers, and that these were possible areas for the development of the network's future activities and scope.

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