Open Access BASE2011

The development of bike sharing : A comparison of the Stockholm and Hangzhou cases


Bike sharing is not a new concept in Europe, it's getting more popular especially in recent years as a method to reduce the impacts of human traffic behaviours on environment, solve the problem of last mile to end a trip and provide an alternative way of travel mode. Speaking about China, although this country used to have a nickname "The Kingdom of Bicycles", the mode share of traffic for bicycles is decreasing annually. Cars, on the other hand, a symbol of rich, is becoming more popular and common. This paper examines two cases of bike sharing program, one is Stockholm City Bikes from Stockholm in Europe, and the other one is Hangzhou Public Bike Service from Hangzhou in China. Successful factors and constraints are analyzed separately, as well as the relationship between bike sharing system and public transport. After comparison of the two and their causes, the conclusion is drawn that the political will is the key factor for promoting a bike sharing system. Stockholm City Bikes needs more political will for its expansion. For the long term development of Hangzhou Public Bike Service, systematic and scientific management are crucial factors.

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