Open Access BASE2017

Voice and community in the 2015 refugee crisis:A content analysis of news coverage in eight European countries

In: Chouliaraki , L & Zaborowski , R 2017 , ' Voice and community in the 2015 refugee crisis : A content analysis of news coverage in eight European countries ' , International Communication Gazette , vol. 79 , no. 6-7 , pp. 613-635 .


Drawing on a Content Analysis of 1200 news articles on the 2015 refugee 'crisis' across eight European countries, we address the question of whether and how refugees 'speak' in the news. To this end, we categorized the language of these articles in terms of how they narrated the subjects, status and contexts of voice. Our analysis establishes three different linguistic practices through which the voice of refugees is managed in the news – what we call practices of 'bordering': bordering by silencing, by collectivization and by de-contextualization. In light of these findings, we reach two conclusions. First, the distribution of voice in European news follows a strict hierarchy – one that relies on specifically journalistic strategies of selection and ordering yet reflects and reproduces broader hierarchies of the European political spheres. Second, this hierarchy of voice leads to a triple misrecognition of refugees as political, social and historical actors, thereby keeping them firmly outside the remit .

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