Open Access BASE2015

Methods of analysis ofrelevance of project portfolio to organization strategy ; Методика анализа соответствия портфеля проектов стратегии организации ; Методика аналізу відповідності портфеля проектів стратегії організації


Abstract. Relevance.The article describes approach for formation of portfolio of intra organization projects (commercial or governmental). Required steps are provided which allow obtain balanced in resources portfolio of projects at the outcome of theprocess. Within project management, this process is main and in majority of cases is the prerequisite for corporate system of project management (CSPM). Goal.Approbation of analysis methodology of appropriateness of project portfolio to organization strategy. Methods.The systematic approach considers the organization as a set of interrelated elements. People, goals, structure, tasks, technology are the variables of the internal environment of the organization. The factors of the external environment which influence the organization include: the laws and regulations of state regulation, the state of the economy; technological advances; part of disposable income; cultural and political changes; the impact of interest group of suppliers; and others. All changes always start from outside of the organization (in the externalenvironment), that's why the organization's management must be able to identify significant factors in the environment that affect the organization and through effective implementation of available recourses. The methodology is presented as a pattern of model game where a separate participant presents each aspect of uncertainty: business aspect (opportunities related to environment), technical aspect (innovational aspect ofthe enterprise) and management aspect (competence level of the organization). Results. Developed technique allows analyze the appropriateness of portfolio of organization strategy projects at the stage of its formation according to three variants of the choice (maximin, minimax and super proposition). Scientific novelty and practical significance.Analysis methodology of appropriateness of project portfolio to organization strategy is proposed, which is based on analysis of market position of the enterprise and which allow at the ...

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