Open Access BASE2017

War, Society and Human Nature in Thucydides' Thought and the Sophists ; Guerra, sociedad y naturaleza humana en el pensamiento de Tucídides y los sofistas ; Guerre, société et nature humaine dans la pensée de Thucydide et des sophistes ; Guerra, sociedade e natureza humana no pensamento de Tucídides e os sofistas


The aim in this paper is to compare the concepts of society and human nature in Thucydides' work, with the anthropological doctrine from the group of sophists that were their contemporaries in the 5th century BC, such as Protagoras, Thrasymachus, Prodicus, Critias and, specially, Antiphon, the Greek historian's teacher. However, the ideas attributed to the representatives of this intellectual movement will be brought up regarding the details that Thucydides extracted from his own description of stásis or civil war in the city of Corcyra to give an account of the regularity of human behavior in a position of extreme necessity. In his account of events Thucydides himself set the stásis up not only as a model of the Peloponnesian War, he also raises it to the level of a universal paradigm of any military confrontation for war. In the final analysis, and according to the way in which the case is dealt with by the author in Book III, 81-83 of his History, we will see these passages can also be interpreted in the light of sophistic theories about the beginnings of civilization, and at the same time they systematize underlying ideas on violence and the constitution of the polis, ideas argued at that time. The subject of the relations among the use of force, the possibility of social ties and human nature is still the matter of debate in the academic world in the face of the new present conflicts in the international political atmosphere. ; El objetivo de este artículo es contrastar los conceptos de sociedad y naturaleza humana en la obra de Tucídides con la doctrina antropológica del grupo de sofistas que fueron sus contemporáneos en el siglo V a. de C., tales como Protágoras, Trasímaco, Pródico, Critias y, en especial, Antifonte, maestro del historiador. No obstante, las ideas atribuidas a los representantes de este movimiento intelectual serán traídas a colación en torno a los detalles que Tucídides mismo extrajo de su descripción sobre la stásis o guerra civil en la ciudad de Corcira para dar cuenta de la ...

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