Open Access BASE2022

Challenges of Implementing the ITE Law against Hoaxes in Indonesia: An Exploratory Analysis


Abstract Indonesia has a very high level of hoax circulation, so the ITE Law has been implemented to fight it. This article describes a qualitative study in three provinces, namely DKI Jakarta, West Java, and Banten, to investigate the challenge of implementing the ITE Law to reduce the circulation of hoaxes in the community. Semi-structured and in-depth interviews with 33 netizens at the provincial, city, district and village levels were conducted by one academician and two well-trained communication masters students. This data is complemented by data from FGDs with Communication and Law students and discussions with academics and is also complemented by literature studies and documentation related to hoaxes and the implementation of the ITE Law in Indonesia. Results show that Indonesian people's digital literacy is still low. Therefore, it is hoped. The government could keep going by increasing digital literacy programs in the community. Besides, the implementation of the ITE Law is expected to be more optimal. Its implementation is fair and equal before the law, and the articles rubber in the ITE Law can be quickly revised.




Gokmen Arslan

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