Open Access BASE2022

The Mediating Effect of Positive Emotions to Community Resilience and Individual Resilience of Flood Survivors in Tanay, Rizal


The study's objective is to examine the impact of community resilience on individual resilience as mediated by positive emotions as a person experiences major life stressors by determining the levels of positive emotions, community resilience, and individual resilience. The study is anchored on Broaden-and- Build Theory by Barbara Fredrickson, whichposits that experience of positive emotions broadens people's momentary thought-action repertoires, which in turn serve to build their enduring personal resources, ranging from physical and intellectual to social and psychological resources. Community Resilience is introduced in the study as a predictor of individual resilience by being mediated by positive emotions. The study utilized a cross-sectional, explanatory non-experimental design. The study used the total population of 99 families and conveniently selected one (1) adult representative as the respondent. Eighteen (87) were qualified as respondents, and twelve (12) were not included in the total enumeration. The study utilized tests of resilience and positive emotions: Dispositional Positive Emotion Scale by Shiota, Keltner, and John, 2006, Interpersonal Support Evaluation List (ISEL) by Brummett, B. H. and Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale 25 (CD-RISC 25) by Davidson, JRT and Connor, KM. Mean, Bivariate Regression, and Multiple Regression are the statistical tools. Results demonstrate complete mediation since a value of 0.263 reveals no statistical significance on the direct effect of community resilience on individual resilience after accounting for the mediating effect of positive emotions. The study implies that the influence of community resilience on individual resilience is uniquely explained by how the participants feel positive emotions in their community. The study recommends that psychologists, educators, and government and non-government organizations collaborate in establishing a resilient community that can promote positive emotions and can broaden the capacity for individual resilience.




ASR Research Center India

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