Open Access BASE2012

Образовательная политика как социокультурный феномен ; Educational policy as sociocultural phenomenon ; Освітня політика як соціокультурний феномен


Образовательная политика в современных условиях – это не просто регуляция образования, с целью подготовки образованного специалиста, а создание условий для формирования человека духовного и нравственного. Переходное состояние общества к новой фазе своего развития приводит к тому, что социокультурные смыслы подвергаются переосмыслению в изменившихся социально-экономических и общественно-политических условиях. ; Position of the state in the modern world and the person in society defines education and as a sociocultural phenomenon, it passed a long way of development at which different stages the different types of educational systems focused on religion, science, practice, art were formed. Education is a creation of new experience and new culture of new generations, as necessary condition of formation of the person of the time, but, certainly, with a support and on the base previous experience and culture.The educational policy always is present at any society and the state. It is expressed in how society, the state equip the education system what are set the purposes in the education organization, what control system, whose interests underlie the organization and management of education; as the educational system is financed, etc.The modern educational policy can become a powerful factor of social, cultural, political updating of our social system. The educational policy isn't initially set and invariable phenomenon, and is capable to change according to practice of social development.Russia is in a transitive condition when there are transformations in the sphere of economy, politicians, the state and social system – the ideology, system valuable orientations changes, and education here plays a special role, acting as integrative model of culture – all this causes of reconsideration of a role of educational policy, elaboration of new approaches and further improvement of educational policy to make an education system highly effective and capable to be one of major factors of steady growth of national economy. The purpose of educational policy – successful implementation of democratic transformations in Russia – more and more connect with state policy in education.Sociocultural conditionality of tendencies of development of modern educational policy in Russia assumes clear and adequate idea of those processes which happen in society, i. e. interdependence of transformation of society and education. We are deeply sure that the instability peculiar to domestic education, is part of instability and instability of the society. The condition of education and tendency of development of the Russian educational policy define a number of conditions, internal for Russia, but external for an education system is a character and the content of socio-political, social and economic processes, a democracy level of development, etc. Here all is important – the general direction of a course of educational policy, its ideology, a financial condition of an education system, change in material support and personnel potential, degree and channels of influence of public opinion on educational policy.Thus, the educational policy as the sociocultural phenomenon, not only keeps and will mobilize educational and political and cultural property of society, but also provides accumulation of intellectual and cultural potential of the nation, promotes formation new and to preservation of traditional system of values, influences mentality of the personality and society, adapts them for new conditions of life and political realities ; Освітня політика в сучасних умовах - це не просто регуляція освіти, з метою підготовки освіченого фахівця, а створення умов для формування людини духовного і морального.Перехідний стан суспільства до нової фази свого розвитку призводить до того, що соціокультурні смисли піддаються переосмисленню в змінених соціально-економічних і суспільно-політичних умовах.




Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

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