Open Access BASE2019

Priority directions of constitutional, political and legal renewal of public power, governance in Ukraine ; Приоритетные направления конституционного, политико-правового обновления публичной власти, публичного управления в Украине ; Пріоритетні напрями конституційного, політико-правового оновлення публічної влади, врядування в Україні


The article explores the current problems of the state of constitutional regulation and priority areas ofconstitutional, political and legal renewal of public power, governance in Ukraine. It is emphasized that the politicalsystem of Ukraine, the system of public authority, the social component of the society remain unbalanced, do notcorrespond to the main constitutional principle of a democratic, social, rule of law, until now the updating of theConstitution, the constitutional regulation of social relations is not of conceptual and systemic character. In thisconnection, the defects of implementation of the norms of certain constitutional and legal institutions are traced.Proposals for new approaches to the transformation of public power are justified, based on the new paradigm ofgovernance in Ukraine - the paradigm of good governance. It gives a description of the priority directions of publicauthority renewal, governance in the areas of: modernization of the Constitution of Ukraine; democratization ofsocial relations; solving war and peace, defense and national security; economic development; deoligarchization;a real guarantee of the enjoyment of the fundamental rights, freedoms and obligations of the individual and thecitizen; reviewing the basics of Parliament's organization and activities; development of legislation on the statusof the President of Ukraine; political and legal innovations in the sphere of executive power; constitutional andlegal registration of the reform of the administrative-territorial structure of Ukraine, transformation of local selfgovernment;continuation and clarification of judicial reform, etc.It is concluded that the implementation of priority areas of constitutional, political and legal renewalof public power, governance in Ukraine should involve a comprehensive transformation of the systemdomination of the State power. For this purpose it is advisable: to elaborate and to discuss widely at the publiclevel the conceptual foundations of the organization and implementation of ...


constitutionconstitutional regulationpublic authoritygovernancegood governancemodernization of the Constitution of Ukrainedemocratization of public relationssolving the problems of war and peace




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