Suggestions to organizational structure of system of state administration of military-technical policy of Ukraine ; Предложения по организационной структуры системы государственного управления военно-технической политики Украины ; Пропозиції щодо організаційної структури системи державного управління військово-технічною політикою України
In the article the organizational structure of the system of state administration of military-technical policy is offered. Management of military-technical policy, as by the single integral system, is fixed in basis of construction of the system of state administration is considered. Connection of organizational structure of state administration of military-technical policy and development of its theory assist successful activity in military-technical sphere. In the article the spheres of cooperation of military-technical policy are distinguished with other systems. An author notices that military-technical policy can be examined as a certain result cooperations of many systems, that, in turn, feel the limited influence of military-technical policy, that, accordingly, can promote efficiency of functioning each of the cooperating with her systems. An author gives suggestions to the organizational structure of the system of state administration of military-technical policy, basic from which are: possibility of the balanced account in military-technical policy: political, soldiery, economic, resource, moral, cultural, social, educational and other interests of the state, society, different groups of population and separate members; possibility quickly to set rational technology of activity of the state of military-technical sphere and its constituents, including technology of development, creation and production of new standards, complexes of armament, taking into account world their progress and development of world military industry trends; possibility of coordination of activity of organs of executive power, ministries, at departments in military-technical sphere by decrees, commissions and orders of higher public servant of Ukraine in the real mode of time; possibility of establishment of single policy of the state in relation to the basic products of military-oriented and resources. ; . ; У статті запропоновано організаційну структуру системи державного управління військово-технічною політикою. Проаналізовано ...
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