Open Access BASE2017



Abstract. This work analyzes the genesis and functioning of such a socio-religious institution as the Caliphate in Sunni Islam. Being the successor of the last Prophet, the caliph initially was holding much of religious and secular power in his hands. In its historical course, the Caliphate lost its secular power, although it was retaining the highest authority in religious and legal matters throughout its history. Between 1517 and 1924, the Ottoman Sultan was considered the Caliph. The Republican government exiled the Caliph from the country and abolished the Caliphate in Turkey, thus beheading the Sunni community. This is what makes possible the existence of heretical extremist groups headed by self-appointed 'caliphs'. The authors believe that the position of the Caliph should be either formally abolished or replaced by a legally elected candidate through a collective decision of the Sunni community. ; Аннотация. Работа посвящена анализу генезиса и функционирования в суннитском исламе такого института, как халифат. Будучи наследником последнего Пророка, халиф изначально объединял в своих руках духовную и светскую власть. До 1924 г. халифом считался османский султан. Республиканское правительство изгнало халифа из страны и упразднило халифат на территории Турции, чем обезглавило суннитскую общину. Именно этот факт делает возможным существование экстремистских еретических группировок, возглавляемых самозваными «халифами».

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