Open Access BASE2019

«Political project»: ; «Политический проект»: ; «ПОЛІТИЧНИЙ ПРОЕКТ»


The dynamic of political processes leads to significant changes in the political struggle. Today's political reality is determined by the careful organization of political actors, the focus on achieving clear goals and obtaining concrete results, that is, it can be argued that there is a competitive struggle not just between politicians in their traditional understanding, but between political projects created for the struggle for control and leverage of influence over socio-political processes. The political project is a relatively new category, therefore there is a need for expanding scientific research and conceptualization of this term. Various interpretations of the concept «project» are given. It is proposed to divide them into conditional groups: «project-document», «project-model», «project-process». The most popular approaches to understanding the concept of «political project» are outlined. The main features of «political projects» and conditional classification are considered. The author's understanding of the «political project» is derived. Modern Ukrainian politics has become a sphere of struggle for political projects competing for the ability to influence socio-political processes, which are created by certain oligarchic groups as an instrument for achieving the result. There is no qualitative change / renewal of elites, as a result of the election process. Civil society in Ukraine is now in the period of formation, which is reflected in the active search for effective forms of interaction with the authorities, means and mechanisms of influence on the adoption of political decisions, monitoring and monitoring of their implementation. That is why studying the possibility of creating political projects as a certain institutional form of mobilizing citizens to get leverage of influence on power will help to create an effective back channel of communication between the state and society, a qualitative renewal of political elites, and increase the effectiveness of the functioning of the entire political system. ; Приведены различные толкования понятия «проект». Предложено разделить их на условные группы: «проект-документ», «проект-модель», «проект-процесс». Изложены наиболее популярные подходы к пониманию понятия «политический проект». Рассмотрены основные признаки «политических проектов» и условная классификация. Выведены авторское понимание «политического проекта». ; Наведено різноманітні тлумачення поняття «проект». Запропоновано поділити їх на умовні групи: «проект-документ», «проект-модель», «проект-процес». Викладені найбільш популярні підходи до розуміння поняття «політичний проект». Розглянуті основні ознаки «політичних проектів» та умовна класифікація. Виведено авторське розуміння «політичного проекту».




Oles Honchar Dnipro National University



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