Open Access BASE2021

Non-governmental organizations as subjects of social development of communities: the experience of the international charity fund «necessary» ; Недержавні організації як суб'єкти соціального розвитку громад: досвід міжнародного благодійного фонду «небайдужі»


The article analyzes the current trends in the development of public institutions in Ukraine. The role of non-governmental public organizations in providing social services is considered. The main trends in the development of the private sector have been studied. The role of grant projects is highlighted. The role and place of the private sector in the provision of social services has been considered. Examples of implementation of local initiatives and receiving grant support have been analyzed. The importance and urgency of the problems of non-governmental organizations in the field of social services have been highlighted. Youth organizations that join socially-oriented initiatives are developing. Directing relevant initiatives and work of youth organizations activates young people in local communities, involves in the advisory bodies formation, localization of relevant projects implemented at the level of united territorial communities of villages and small towns, where in previous years youth activity was low. In a decentralized environment, no matter how capable the community is, there are always issues that are difficult to solve at the expense of the local budget. As practice shows, several issues of local importance, which cannot be solved by the budget of the united territorial community, can be successfully solved at the expense of other resources, including grants. Most of the international projects were implemented territorially in Uman and adjacent territorial communities. Their success depended on fruitful intersectoral cooperation with the Faculty of Social and Psychological Pedagogy, which provided organizationally, volunteer and psychological support, and the Department of Labor and Social Protection of Uman City Council, which provided effective communication between all branches of government, information and financial support. ; У статті проведено аналіз сучасних тенденцій розвитку діяльності громадських інституцій в Україні. Розглянуто роль недержавних громадських організацій у наданні соціальних послуг. Досліджено основні тенденції розвитку недержавного сектору. Висвітлено роль грантових проєктів. Розглянуто роль і місце недержавного сектору у наданні соціальних послуг. Проаналізовано приклади реалізації місцевих ініціатив та отримання грантової підтримки. Висвітлено важливість та актуальність проблематики недержавних громадських організацій у сфері надання соціальних послуг.

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