Open Access BASE2021



Formulating the problem in general form and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks. The high dependence of all spheres of the state's vital activity on information and the comprehensive spread of digital technologies, in particular in the field of public administration, has led to the emergence of challenges and threats of a new technological level. Also, with the development of digital technologies themselves, there is an increase in the technical level of tools for the implementation of cyber threats, as well as an increasing trend in the proportion of cyber threats in the spectrum of threats to national security. Considering the expanding landscape of cyber threats and the increasing complexity of the tools for their realization, the governments of leading countries are taking measures to improve national cybersecurity systems and change strategies to counter cyber threats. In this regard, there is an urgent problem of forming a balanced and effective national cybersecurity system that would be able to flexibly adapt to changes in the security environment, to guarantee the citizens of our country the safe functioning of the national segment of cyberspace. One of the most pressing problems in the field of national cybersecurity is the identification of key strategic problems and ways to solve them in order to implement effective and efficient cybersecurity mechanisms. Analysis of recent publications on the issue and identification of previously unresolved parts of the overall problem. Researches of such Ukrainian scientists as M. Ryzhkov and A. Ruban, S. Kavin, Y. Kotukh, D. Melnyk, and others are devoted to problematic issues of forming of ways and applying instruments to protect national interests in cyberspace in the context of threats to Ukraine's national security. However, in modern conditions of globalization, new challenges and problematic issues in the field of cybersecurity constantly arise, which require a change in approaches to defining the features of cyber threats, clarifying the ways and mechanisms of protecting national interests in cyberspace, which increases the relevance of the topic of the selected research. The purpose of the article is to analyze the main provisions of the EU's Cybersecurity Strategy for the Digital Decade in the context of identifying opportunities for adopting best practices of European experience in the field of state cybersecurity and their adaptation to Ukrainian realities. Outline of the main results and their justification. The world is witnessing an increase in the intensity of interstate confrontation and intelligence and subversive activities in cyberspace, an increase in cybercrime, the use of cyberspace by terrorist organizations to commit acts of cyberterrorism. The COVID-19 pandemic also has exacerbated, among other things, the issue of cybersecurity. Global trends in cyberspace and related cybersecurity challenges and risks are having an increasing impact on the development of the national cybersecurity system. One of the bases for the development and implementation of an updated cybersecurity strategy of Ukraine can be the experience of leading countries in the field of cybersecurity, in particular the best practices of European experience. The EU's Cybersecurity Strategy in the Digital Decade contains how the EU will shield its people, businesses and institutions from cyber threats, and how it will advance international cooperation and lead in securing a global and open Internet. Building on the progress made under the previous strategies, the new EU's Cybersecurity Strategy contains concrete proposals for the use of three main instruments - regulatory, investment and policy instruments – to address three areas of EU action – (1) resilience, technological sovereignty and leadership, (2) building operational capacity to prevent, deter and respond, and (3) advancing a global and open cyberspace. Among the new EU's strategic initiatives, it is appropriate to highlight the following: An EU-wide Cyber Shield through a network of AI-enabled Security Operations Centres that can detect signs of cyberattack and enable preventive action before damage occurs. A Joint Cyber Unit that will help to better protect the EU from the most impactful cybersecurity attacks, especially cross-border ones. European solutions for strengthening Internet security globally. Regulation to ensure an Internet of Secure Things and prevent a single badly protected object becoming a single point of failure. Regulation for high standards of cyber and information security in EU institutions, bodies and agencies. Also, the EU is planning to undertake further efforts to strengthen the cooperation with international partners to advance the shared understanding of the threat landscape, develop cooperation mechanisms and identify cooperative diplomatic responses. In addition, the EU efforts will support the development of legislation and policies of partner countries in line with relevant EU cyber diplomacy policies and standards. In our opinion, our country needs to unify approaches, methods, and means of cybersecurity with the established EU practices, to take other measures agreed with key foreign partners. Conclusions and prospects for further research. Based on the conceptual provisions of the EU's Cybersecurity Strategy in the Digital Decade, taking into account the key cybersecurity risks and cyber threats, strategic objectives, concrete proposals have been developed for the further improvement of the national cybersecurity system. Emphasis is placed on the need to strengthen cyber dialogue with the EU and international organisations, as well as further intensifying work with international partners to developing and advancing a global, open, stable and secure cyberspace, where international law, human rights, fundamental freedoms and democratic values are respected. Keywords: cybersecurity, cyber resilience, cybersecurity strategy, European Union, national cybersecurity system. ; У статті проаналізовано світові тренди в глобальному кіберсередовищі та пов'язані з ними кібербезпекові виклики та ризики. Розглянуто концептуальні положення Стратегії кібербезпеки Євросоюзу на цифрове десятиліття в контексті виявлення можливостей перейняття кращих практик європейського досвіду у сфері провадження кібербезпеки України. З урахуванням ключових кібербезпекових викликів, ризиків та загроз, стратегічних завдань та шляхів забезпечення кібербезпеки Євросоюзу розроблено пропозиції щодо подальшого розвитку національної системи кібербезпеки. Акцентовано увагу на необхідності посилення кібердіалогу з ЄС та міжнародними організаціями, а також подальшої активізації роботи з міжнародними партнерами з розвитку і просування глобального, відкритого, стабільного і безпечного кіберпростору.Ключові слова: Євросоюз; кібербезпека; кіберстійкість; національна система кібербезпеки; стратегія кібербезпеки.




National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine

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