Open Access BASE2021

Psychological First Aid: Experience of International Organizations ; Перша психологічна допомога: досвід міжнародних організацій


The turbulent shocks of recent decades—man-made and natural disasters, political instability, pandemics, and military conflicts—highlight the need for psychosocial support for victims. To plan and train those who can provide it, a number of guidelines have been developed at the global and national levels, within international medical organizations that can minimize the impact of the crisis and start the recovery process. The article presents the definition of the concept of Psychological First Aid (PFA), describes the key aspects, structure, time limits, and principles of activity; a description of three leading models of first psychological assistance in the context of international medical organizations: the World Health Organization (WHO), Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières, MSF), and the Johns Hopkins Center for Public Health Preparedness, USA. The RAPID model of first aid and key competencies for psychosocial workers involved in helping victims are described. The principles and techniques of PFA meet four basic standards: they are based on the results of research of risks and resilience after injury; they are practical and suitable for use in the "field"; they meet the age characteristics of development; they take into account cultural differences. The chronogram of mental reactions to a stressful event and the provision of PFA to victims within international medical organizations is divided into four phases which should be taken into account in the organization of psychosocial support. The RAPID model is based on five aspects designed to alleviate acute stress: Rapport and Reflective listening; Assessment of needs; Prioritization; Intervention; Disposition. If control over bodily reactions, emotions, and thoughts in the victims are restored, the narrative of the event is completed and accompanied by appropriate reactions, emotions are accepted, self-esteem and self-confidence are restored, and a sense of the future appears, we can say that the person has successfully adapted to the traumatic event and is ready to move on. ; У статті надано визначення поняття першої психологічної допомоги (ППД) постраждалим унаслідок кризових подій, описано ключові аспекти, структуру, часові межі та принципи діяльності; розглянуто три провідні моделі надання першої психологічної допомоги в контексті діяльності міжнародних медичних організацій: Всесвітньої організації охорони здоров'я (ВООЗ), «Лікарі без кордонів» (Médecins Sans Frontières, MSF), Центру охорони здоров'я імені Джонса Гопкінса (США). Описано RAPID-модель надання першої психологічної допомоги та ключові компетенції працівників психосоціальної сфери, залучених до допомоги постраждалим.

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