Open Access BASE2020



The article examinesthe formation of legislation governing the relationship between a man and a woman living in the same family without registration of marriage in the member states of the European Union, as well as in countries bordering Ukraine. The author examines how in these countries the formation of legislative recognition of the consequences of cohabitation of persons living in a union similar to marriage took place; what form for such unions provides for the legislation of European countries; the European experience of legal regulation of various forms of extramarital unions is analyzed. The author provides an in-depth analysis of the principles that guide the European Court of Human Rights in dealing with complaints from individuals in such quasi-marriages. The author draws attention to how the case law of the European Court of Human Rights affects the development and development of legislation in this area both in Europe and in Ukraine.The author concludes that the introduction of the legal institution of registered civil partnership in Ukraine as an alternative to registered civil marriage is impossible, as the introduction of civil partnership exclusively for heterosexual couplesis contrary to the practice of the ECtHR. In turn, the introduction of this legal institution for same-sex and heterosexual couples at the same time, as required by the European principles of national legislation, goes against the vision of this issue by the society of Ukraine. As a result, national law recognizing the legal consequences of a man and woman living in the same family without registering a marriage without requiring any legally significant action to prove their union, without the possibility for such persons to register a civil partnership in any way (by concluding a civil partnership agreement, registration of the union with a notary or local government), create conditions for a legal vacuum. In Ukraine, in fact, there is no legally defined legal fact, which is the basis for the emergence of legal relations between such persons.The author proposes to adopt in Ukraine the established European legal experience of legislative regulation of relations between persons who for some reason do not want or can not enter into a registered civil marriage. International, in particular European, legal trends, as well as the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, point to the need for legal regulation of relations between persons living as one family without registration of marriage and the solution of their pressing problems. According to the author, the existing model of legal regulation of de facto marital relations in Ukraine does not comply with the principles of international law and the practice of the European Court of Human Rights. Contradictory, illogical provisions of domestic law in this area are the cause of frequent violations of the legal rights and interests of persons, which is unacceptable. The conclusion is the temporary impossibility of introducing a legal institution of registered civil same-sex and heterosexual partnership in Ukraine. At the same time, the imperfect contradictory normative regulation of relations between a man and a woman living in the same family without marriage registration demonstrates the need to refuse to recognize any legal consequences of persons in such a union (Articles 74, 91, 211 of the IC of Ukraine). The author proposes to leave this social phenomenon outside the legal regulation of family law. ; В статье проведено исследование практики Европейского суда по правам человека, а также опыта европейских стран и Украины по вопросу, касающемуся становления и векторов развития законодательства, регламентирующего зарегистрированные гражданские однополые и/или разнополые партнерства; проанализирован европейский опыт правового регулирования различных форм внебрачных союзов; сделаны выводы о путях совершенствования национального законодательства, регулирующего отношения между мужчиной и женщиной, проживающих одной семьей без регистрации брака. ; В статті проведено дослідження практики Європейського суду з прав людини, а також досвіду європейських країн та України з питання, що стосується становлення і векторів розвитку законодавства, що регламентує зареєстровані цивільні одностатеві та/ або різностатеві партнерства; проаналізовано європейський досвід правового регулювання різних форм позашлюбних союзів; зроблено висновки щодо шляхів вдосконалення національного законодавства, що регулює відносини між чоловіком та жінкою, що проживають однією сім'єю без реєстрації шлюбу

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