Open Access BASE2019

Державне регулювання та підтримка сільського господарства ; State regulation and support for agricultural agriculture


Зазначено, що створення конкурентоспроможного агропродовольчого виробництва неможливо без посилення ролі держави та підтримки аграрного сектора економіки України. Визначено, що необхідність забезпечення продовольчої безпеки, низька конкурентоспроможність і продуктивність галузі, низький рівень оплати праці працівників села тощо є основними причинами держрегулювання сільського господарства. Описано, що нині є виправданим посилення регулюючого впливу з боку держави на розвиток сільської економіки, якнайшвидше впровадження відповідної програми державного регулювання і підтримки цієї важливої галузі. Зауважено, що існує необхідність істотної зміни стратегії і тактики реформ загалом, аграрної реформи зокрема, що пов'язано з посиленням державного регулювання продовольчого ринку, переорієнтацією капіталу з торгових і фінансових галузей на вкладення у виробничу сферу в АПК і залучення іноземних інвестицій. Підсумовано, що у сучасних умовах чітко простежується прагнення законодавця посилити економічні та соціальні функції державного регулювання продовольчого ринку як керованого і регульованого механізму вільного руху сільськогосподарської продукції і товарів, функціонування якого забезпечується єдиними нормами і правилами, які регулюють підприємницьку діяльність суб'єктів продовольчого ринку. ; Problem setting. Problems of state regulation of the agrarian sector in Ukraine are important in connection with the transition to the market. As you know, agriculture is a special industry whose incomes, based on its no monopoly nature, are always lagging behind other industries. In almost all countries, agriculture is one of the most state-supported industries.State regulation is a system of standard measures of legislative, executive and supervisory nature, carried out by authorized state bodies in order to stabilize and adapt the existing socio-economic system to changing conditions.According to experts, stabilization of agriculture in itself cannot occur by itself. Agriculture is able to revive only with active state support. The most widely practiced in the world measures of state support for the ago-industrial complex, grouped according to the target.Recent research and publications analysis. Тhe problem of research on state support for agricultural production involves many scientists, in particular: V. Andrich, V. Boyce, P. Godowsky, B. Krasnik, Y. Luzon, V. Messel-Visalia, O. Mogilny, A. Stelmashchuk, P. Sabluk, G. Cherkovsky and others, who in their works substantiated the need for state support to the agrarian sector, and also proposed ways to improve the system of budget financing of agriculture.Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. Despite an active study of this problem, it is expedient to justify the need for state support to agriculture, as well as proposals for improving its budget financing system. Theoretical and methodical aspects of the problem of forming the mechanism of state support of the agrarian sphere remain inadequately investigated and require further in-depth study.Paper main body. An important task of state regulation should be to assist agricultural producers in adapting to market conditions, which should be pursued in two main directions:1) assistance in restructuring the production and assisting commodity producers in entering the market; developing a system of social insurance in the countryside and forming innovative business directions;2) improvement of the skills of employees, creation of advisory services.In the first direction, the state, based on the analysis of the market situation, has either to promote, or, conversely, to hold the formation of individual industries. In addition, it is possible to re-profile the enterprises that produce unpredictable (non-profitable) goods in a competitive manner, while compensations may be paid through reduced production volumes. In subsidized regions where surplus production is produced by objective factors, it is necessary to provide subsidies to commodity producers that compensate for the decrease in profits.It is necessary to stimulate the formation of folk crafts, subsidiary farms, the development of tourism, to contribute to the study of unique resources that are in this area. The state is called on to promote the development of market infrastructure necessary for the existence of a market structure, to support the formation of independent intermediary structures, the organization of wholesale trade, in particular the wholesale food markets, the creation of guarantee service systems that operate on market principles, and improve the information infrastructure of the market.Creating an information system is in fact considered a privilege of the state. It is necessary to improve the state financial and analytical service in the agroindustrial complex, which would allow the economic actors of the industry to function most effectively, orienting themselves in the market situation, and as a result – reasonably and thoughtfully act in modern conditions.Regarding the regulation of foreign economic policy it is necessary to increase the number and variety of tariffs, while taking into account the seasonality of production in improving import duties; it is necessary to use special and mixed duties, as well as to raise the level of tariff policy by types of agricultural products and foodstuffs; to establish the import of a sufficient quantity of products that meets the needs of the population; develop a concept and model of a long-term food program; it is necessary to develop state and local programs that will expand the export of agricultural products and agriculture as an important source of investments, which include the system of state support, that is, the system of export credits and subsidies.Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. Almost all publications devoted to the problems of agrarian and industrial complex, shows a lot of facts that indicate the regression observed in the industry, the lack of financial resources to solve the problems faced by the ago-industry complex, the almost universal ubiquity of agricultural production, etc.Almost all economists are talking about the earliest need for stabilization of the food situation, and start solving this issue is necessary with the lifting of the ago-industrial complex.However, most of the farms and the state practically do not have the means to solve this problem. Thus, state regulation of the economy in the agricultural sector is understood as a system for collecting economic information and a mechanism for making economic decisions on the basis of its analysis, which includes a mechanism for resolving acute contradictions, the use of public procurement (government procurement), the impact of emissions and various methods lending, planning (certain types of economic activity) and conducting foreign economic policy, social support.

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