Open Access BASE2018

Розвиток системи надання адміністративних послуг як умова забезпечення ефективності впровадження електронних послуг ; Development of the administrative services system as a condition for the efficiency of electronic services implementation


Досліджено проблеми формування і розвитку системи надання адміністративних послуг, визначено основні тенденції удосконалення системи надання адміністративних послуг в Україні як умови забезпечення ефективності впровадження електронних послуг. ; Problem setting. Quality of administrative services is an important factor in ensuring the proper living conditions for citizens. In present-day conditions of reforming the socio-economic system of Ukraine and developing an information and innovation society, the state-society relations are being improved through information and communication technologies. In 2006, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the Concept for development of the administrative services system by executive authorities, and today this issue has become one of the priorities in state policy.It has been six years since the Law of Ukraine On Administrative Services was adopted, and despite many progressive developments in this area, the current state of administrative services, including electronic services, and development of this system in general, requires further improvement steps both from the state bodies and local self-government bodies.Recent research and publications analysis. Both domestic and foreign scientists such as V. Averyanov, I. Koliushko, Ye. Kurinyi, R. Kuybida, N. Nyzhnyk, V. Tymoschuk, V. Tsypuk, A. Chemerys and others devoted their researches to the system of administrative services in Ukraine, directions of its development and improvement.Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problems. The objective of the paper is to study the main trends of the information society development in Ukraine and identify the main directions of further development of administrative services system.Paper main body. Since the conceptual framework of state policy in the area of administrative services provision was adopted, a number of important steps have been taken towards the implementation of key principles and objectives for development of this area. The number and quality of administrative services in administrative service centers tends to improve annually, however, today some aspects of work of such centers, working in the single window format, need to be improved.Despite the fact that the Law On Administrative Services provides for measures to inform citizens about the services provision at the Center for Administration Services, a number of centers do not have their own website, and have not posted information about their activities on the Unified State Administration Services Portal. An important step towards development of the system for administrative services was the Order No. 918-p adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 16, 2016, which approved the Concept for development of the electronic services system in Ukraine. This concept defines the main directions, mechanisms and stages of an effective system for administrative and other public services in electronic form in Ukraine.It should be noted that the service quality in the centers for administrative services in different cities, as well as the volume of such services, in particular the most popular among citizens administrative services of executive power bodies, are different.Ensuring the qualitative administrative services requires constant monitoring and control over the work of the Center for Administration Services. This task has been entrusted to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine. The Ministry's monitoring includes a number of criteria that enable to assess the work of the centers and convenience of their services, such as, for example, information about the premises of the centers, the volume of administrative services provided through them, in particular the services of central executive bodies; the provision of related services in the centers, the availability of electronic services, the process state of connecting these centers to the main state registers, etc.An important point in improving the administrative services is the feedback from citizens, who are consumers of administrative services; it is essential to quality assessment. Different forms of feedback allow the subject of administrative services provision to receive information about the interests and needs of citizens-consumers of services, identify service disadvantages and areas for services improving in accordance with the needs of consumers. Feedback from citizens for the purpose of research and public opinion in the provision of services is an integral part of the activity of centers for administrative services in the countries of the European Union. It is obligatory to monitor such centers activities; it shall be carried out by the municipal authorities on a regular basis.Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. Thus, the priority tasks and directions of the state policy in administrative services should be:1. Further decentralization of administrative services and development of administrative services network.2. Implementation of information and communication technology into administrative services and automation of administrative services delivery system. In particular, development of electronic services, on-line counseling, preliminary electronic record, electronic queue, electronic document circulation.3. Improving the quality of administrative services. In particular, introduction and improvement of administrative services standard, feedback from the consumer, involvement of citizens-consumers of services in controlling the quality of administrative services, improving the methodology for monitoring and evaluating the quality of administrative services provision.

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