Open Access BASE2011

Food, coal or gas? Community action, land-use conflict and procedural fairness in the Surat Basin, Queensland


Land-use conflicts involving agriculture, extractive industries and urbanisation are longstanding throughout much of Australia. Despite early hopes that coal seam gas (CSG) development may offer more opportunities for maintaining agricultural land-use than would open cut coal mining, conflict over CSG development has escalated nevertheless. This paper focuses on community action groups that have mobilised in response to CSG and other resource developments in the Surat Basin, Queensland. The research outlines the development and professionalisation of these groups, their concerns, and government responses. Opposition to CSG was driven in part by the perceived threat to existing agricultural industries and to the liveability of rural townships and localities. The research examines the sensitivities associated with changing economic activities in regional settings and the potential division arising in small communities. Strategies adopted by groups and individuals in response to the competing aspirations for the Surat Basin are discussed.


Australian National University

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