Open Access BASE2020

Social issues of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine personnel management


The article presents an analysis of the results of officers' survey of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (SBGSU), which was conducted to study the current state of solving socially important issues for SBGSU servicemen that may cause staff turnover and problems in SBGSU personnel management. This problem is characteristic not only to SBGSU, but also of other law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and foreign countries. To this end, the works of scientists, data statistics reports from different sources were studied, as well as the survey of 112 servicemen who are serving at the SBGSU in different positions and in different areas of professional activity was conducted.Generalization and interpreting the survey results made it possible to find out about officers' attitudes to service at SBGSU bodies and to assess the status of social issues solving. It is concluded that such circumstances are one of the main factors that a large number of servicemen do not want to continue contracts for military service at SBGSU after the first contract closure at a young age. It has a great importance for resolving staffing issues and determining which issues should be given greater attention in future, including the legislative level. This is important for search appropriate options for the content of the personnel policy and the social and legal support of SBGSU servicemen. Stability ensuring of the personnel will help to increase the general level of professional skill and correspondingly ensure the security of the state border, increase the effectiveness of counteracting illegal activities, management of the state border security in modern conditions.f the state border security in modern conditions.




Amazonia Investiga



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