Open Access BASE2014

Academic Achievement and Classroom Environment of Government and Private Secondary School Students


Academic achievement of a student has direct bearing not only on his career but also on his personality and overall outlook. Success and failure in the life of an individual is generally measured by the academic achievement of an individual, if the career choice that one makes is in tune with his or her academic orientation. And academic achievement has certainly some correlation with classroom environment of a student and subsequent learning experiences that one undergoes. Our school system needs to address this issue with due sincerity as the schooling is the crucial formative phase of one's life that determines the quality of future career or life that one is presumably going to take up. Classroom environment is closely related to the quality of learning experiences and thus resulting in the proportionate scholarly output of the students.This paper delineates the outcomes of a study that attempted to investigate the relationship of academic achievement with classroom environment of government and private school students of adolescent age group. The paper, with the help of the empirical study and corresponding factual details, argues that classroom environment has a positive correlation with academic achievement of students and the need of the time is to develop a wholesome system of school education, irrespective of whether Government or private school system in order to equip our future citizens with necessary skills and competence to compete with their global counterparts and excel in their respective fields of future endeavours.

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