Open Access BASE2021

The Basics of Developing an Alternative Concept for Commercial and Military Vehicle Operation (Random Strategy)


The efficiency of commercial automobiles and wheeled military vehicles mainly depends on the choice of maintenance (M) and current repair (CR) concept. In the paper the difficulties of adapting the (M) and (CR) planning strategies to the structural characteristics of modern transport facilities are pointed out. The advantages of using the (M) and (CR) random strategy for transport facilities based on the stochastic nature of failures and malfunctions are substantiated. Considering the failures and malfunctions as random values and identifying the patterns of their distribution based on γ percentage resources, it is proposed to develop a list of regulated maintenance and repair work, periodicity and labor intensity based on a random strategy, which will increase the efficiency of preserving the technical resource of the rolling stock throughout the entire life cycle of the vehicle.




National University Of Architecture And Construction Of Armenia



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